महंत राम जीवन दास कॉलेज, विष्णुपुर, बेगूसराय, बिहार
( ललित नारायण मिथिला विश्वविद्यालय दरभंगा और राज्य सरकार से स्थायी संबद्धता प्राप्त )


Vision Of The College

  • To Create A Class Of Intellectually , Morally And Spiritually Sound And Committed Citizens Who Will Become Human Resource Of High Calibre.

Mission of the college

  • To impart quality education , thrust on inculcating moral and cultural values and scientific among the students of all sections of the society without any discrepancy and through optimum utilization of existing resource.
  • To create a teaching -learning environment conducive to the pursuit of higher knowledge and relevents skills.
  • To inculcate self discipline and service of the community.
  • To sensitize students towards social concern like human right and gender equaility and also toward environmental issues.
  • To protect ,preserve and promote the cultural values/heritage.

Objectives of the college

  • To provide quality education
  • To provide equal opportunity to both genders and to all community
  • To develop skills in students for better employment prospects etc.
  • We strive for achieving goals through active involvement of all sections of society including our college staffs .we try to develop awareness in under privileged section through Nss and Ncc units of the college

Student Information System

This section will deal with all the information pertaining to a student such as personal, academic as well as
digital document and student report.

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